A lively municipality

Gemeng Biissen

A full programme

Bissen is known as a lively and dynamic municipality. Be it the attractive village centre, the innovative industrial zone or the sociable community life. We regularly lend them a hand and help with the organisation and coordination of events. We also take care of the content and graphic design of the community newspaper, the “Biisser Klautjen”.

Event & Project Management · Editorial

Cosy atmosphere

We also helped with the Christmas market last year and created a cosy and festive atmosphere with, among other things, video mapping on the “Wonerbatti” façade or the starry sky above the “Place Frounert”.

Event Management

Think local act global

The Advent calendar was also up and running again. Every day, you could win a gift from a local business on social media.

The prize ceremony took place at Cyclo Cros “A Biss”, the bistro “Gréngen Eck” and the pizzeria “La Delizia” and we were able to bring together the citizens of Biissen and local business people.

Event Management · Social Media

What else?

You can discover this and much more in the latest Klautjen from 2023. We took care of the coordination, content and graphic design. Have fun reading! 🙂

Project Management · Editorial


We would like to thank Mayor David Viaggi, the municipal council and the entire team. Thank you for your trust and the great and varied collaboration!

©Photos: Gemeng Biissen

Ivano & Cliff