Naturally healthy


An insight

On a trip to Peru, Gino and his family realised that they wanted to reconnect with nature. As this also has an impact on their diet, Gino decided to set up his own “juice bar”.

Pachamama, inspired by the goddess of the earth, was born and one of our tasks was to design the visual universe and the website for this fantastic project.

Visual Universe · Web & Socials · Print

Create desire

Healthy eating should make you want to have it, so it was important to show this in a modern, high-quality but above all natural way.

We started with a photo shoot to emphasise the team, the preparation and, above all, the finished products.

Tailor-made pictures

New in town

We designed a flyer and had it distributed around Belair to make the immediate neighbourhood, from students to business people, aware of the new Pachamama with a great “1+1” campaign.


A new presence

Gino attaches great importance to a constantly changing menu and is also happy to share his knowledge about the joy of healthy eating. This has resulted in a website with a story, menu, blog and lots of great pictures that whet the appetite for more. The team can share this content on social media with the help of easy-to-use templates.

Web & Socials


We would like to thank Gino and his team for their trust and for allowing us to accompany them on this fantastic project.

Ivano & Cliff